terms and conditions

Table of contents

Article 1 - Object

Article 2 - Definitions

Article 3 - Application of the General Conditions

Article 4 - Purchase procedure

Article 5 - Price

Article 6 - Delivery

Article 7 - Methods of Payment

Article 8 - Invoicing

Article 9 - Customer obligations

Article 10 - Quality and Product Guarantee

Article 11 - Right of withdrawal

Article 12 - Special Offers

Article 13 - Discount codes

Article 14 - Information and complaints

Article 15 - Intellectual Property

Article 16 - Privacy

Article 1 - Object

These General Conditions of Sale relate to the sale of products made remotely via the telematic network on the website www.dugez.com, owned by dugez.com, an online showcase for Producers / Artisans / Professionals based in the European territory.

All products purchased on the website www.dugez.com are sold directly by certified Producers / Distributors in Europe; the aforementioned purchases are reserved for direct user customers.

Resellers / Wholesalers / traders who intend to resell products on other platforms are required to notify our Resellers support via contact form.

Bio Art Flame.com. reserves the right to modify these General Conditions at any time, by giving prior notice to all potential customers on the site mentioned above, on the occasion of the first access following the modification of the General Conditions.

It is understood that any contractual and extra-contractual liability for Bio Art Flame is excluded as of now for direct or indirect damage to people and / or things, caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order by Bio Art Flame .com

Article 2 - Definitions

In the interpretation of these General Conditions, the following terms must be understood in the sense specified below:

Online Marketplace Showcase: Bio Art Flame

Manufacturing company

Dugez Italy

VAT no .: 02000660890

96011 Augusta (SR)



Sellers: Bio Art Flame and other certified sellers in Europe through BaF showcase.

Customer: the subject identified by the data entered when completing and sending the order form in electronic format with simultaneous acceptance of these General Conditions.

Parties: Seller and Customer considered jointly.

Products / or: objects / or of the sale between Seller and Customer as described in the order form.

Catalog: list of products offered for sale electronically available on the Seller's website mentioned above.

Site: corresponds to the website owned by the Seller with this address: www.dugez.com, where, following the procedures indicated, the contract for the purchase of the product will be concluded.

Sales contract: online sales contract or the remote contract for the purchase of products stipulated between the Seller and the Customer; these contracts are prepared by the Seller who for this case uses the remote communication technology called "internet"; in fact, these contracts will be concluded directly between the Seller and the Customer through access by the Customer to the site and following the indicated procedures.

Order: electronic form that the Customer must complete by following the procedures indicated by the Seller on the site.

Technical data sheet: data sheet on the site where there is an indication of the main characteristics of the product and its technical specifications.

Order confirmation: the confirmation message containing the date and time of execution of the order and the order number of the Customer, sent by e-mail from the Seller to the Customer, against sending, always electronically by the Customer of the order as defined in the previous point.

Article 3 - Application of the General Conditions

These General Conditions apply to all product sales between the Seller and the Customer and prevail over any purchase conditions prepared or communicated by any means by the Customer.

By sending the electronic form, the Customer declares to know and accept these General Conditions.

It is forbidden for the Customer to enter false and / or invented and / or invented names in the online ordering procedure and in further communications. The Seller reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.

dugez.com is exempt from any liability arising from the issue of incorrect tax documents due to errors relating to the data provided by the Customer, the Customer being the only responsible for the correct insertion of the aforementioned data.

Article 4 - Purchase procedure

The Sales Contract will be concluded directly through access to the site by the Customer, who must then follow you